Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Project Interpretation

Our project was inspired by a group that does the "Freeze Project" These group of people go into busy places and freeze to make an underlying statement about slowing down. Basiclly to enjoy life.

I feel that our little "Freeze Project" was successful in that attempt. We set out on a mission to make a public statement, and I definitely have a good feeling about it. I can honestly say that I've never done anything like it before, and I was really nervous about it. But all in all, it was pretty successful.

It took a lot of back and forth thinking to come to the idea of me holding organic food and Kayla eating McDonalds. We knew that we wanted to portray something about stopping to cook dinner, and enjoy creating food. Also, it's a much healthier stance, and I'm known to be a little bit of a health nut. I'm not sure that our message was very clear, but I definitely feel good about our project.


I'd say that people deal with irony everday, just as they are faced with advertising and the need to slow down in this fast paced world. It was very clever to use our modern day ironic news reports as Fenon did during a past time in France.

We really aren't much different. Sure the scenes are different and there are different occurences, but over all we are still human and irony still happens.

So I googled Irony, and here is something interesting that I found.

Irony is an implied discrepancy between what is said and what is meant.
Three kinds of irony:

1. verbal irony is when an author says one thing and means something else.
2. dramatic irony is when an audience perceives something that a character in the literature does not know.
3. irony of situation is a discrepency between the expected result and actual results.
"A fine thing indeed!" he muttered to himself.


Advertising is everywhere. It's everywhere you look, on your drive to school, at school, at work, on t.v.

After the first group's project I noticed more of the advertising I see everyday. People even wear advertisments. Of course I knew that, but this project just made it stand out to me.

I think everything I own is an advertisement. My car; Honda. My purse; COACH. My backpack; Northface. Even my shoes; Ed Hardey.

I guess it's not something that you can get away from, but it's good to just be mindful of it. Try not to get sucked into thinking that you need things that you really don't.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pay it Forward

It was about 630am. I was working the Drive-Thru for Starbucks. Another typical morning in the coffee world. The drive-thru line was backed up to the parking lot.

So I process another transaction, and the lady in front of me wants to pay for the car behind her. "Okay", I'm thinking...

Well, the girl pulls up and I tell her that her drink was paid for by the car in front. And shes excited "really!" "no way!"
My first impression was that it was her Mom. Then I found out it was just a random woman that did a nice deed for this girl.
Then the process goes on...This girl pays for the car behind her, and the guy behind her pays for the next and, so on and, so on...
This goes on for about 53 cars, about two hours go by...I'm explaining the phenomenom to each person, and each person happily pays for the next.

And you'll never guess. The last car pulls up, I tell her that her drink is paid for and she pulls off. I didn't even get a chance to tell her that she was the 54th car. She absolutely, mindlessly ruined the Pay it Forward morning.

All in all though, it's still pretty amazing that that many people wanted to do something kind for a person they never met.

The Splasher and Graffitti

Learning about the "Art of Graffitti" last week opened up another view to me. I never fully considered that these people are trying to get a point across. Usually I see "tags" and think of them as "Gang" related, not ever thinking that they could be political statements or demonstrations of Art.

So I really enjoyed the video that we saw about the Graffitti in South Africa and San Paulo. It's so inspiring that these artistic people use their talent to spread a message to their city.

Watching the movie gave me the perspective of the painter. Something I would never have known.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My sounds are of my evening...Dinner with the family while watching T.V. Typical Americans. That's what we do...And I incorporated my sleep machine. I listen to the "white noise" when going to sleep. It's sort of strange, but it's the constant noise that calms me. Especially at night when my mind is wandering and I know that I have to get up super early for work.